
About 2 years ago, I felt really difficult to please my husband. I tried to assist him at work and took care of our household. I felt that he was drifting away to seek his own desire as he stopped contributing financially to family but started buying a lot of things for his own enjoyment. He seemed to be angry at me most of the time. I tried to talk to him, but he just brushed me off with ‘nothing’s wrong’. Sometimes he was more cheerful when we talked about other subjects but when it came to family issues, he refused to talk or just busted into anger. I also made many negative comments to catch his attention to making sure he knew I needed his love. But this caused even more tension between us.

About 3 years ago, my life started to face some subtle change. Everything looked perfect on the surface. I had a good supportive wife and family, some close friends, a secure job, and not short financially. An average person should feel much blessed and satisfied. But deep down, I just don’t understand why I can’t be happy and joyful. I did not want to admit I have a problem and slowly am become angry with everyone in my life.

On a Tuesday night prayer service, as usual, I attended the service faithfully. During the service, the Pastor prophesied that there is a sister here who has been visited by a spirit several times throughout the day. I went home that night and experienced great pain on my left hip. I called the Pastor the following morning saying that that sister is me.

In May 2008, when I first attended Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship Church (AGCFC) and when Pastor James prayed for me, he told me that something happened to me 7 years ago resulting in my constant fear, depression and worries. Here is my testimony that I would like to share with you.

In the month of February 2009, in one of our church’s overnight prayer session, when Pastor James prayed for me I was given a prophecy from God.

God said , “Something good is happening to me in the month of May 2009”. I was full of expectations of what that “something could be”?

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